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What is the treatment stage of a personal injury case? By Nares Law Group

Posted by Kaitlin Nares | Jan 24, 2025 | 0 Comments

During the treatment stage of a personal injury case, the focus is on the injured party's medical treatment and recovery. This stage occurs after the initial incident and encompasses several essential steps:

Seeking Medical Attention:

The injured person should seek immediate medical attention following the accident or incident that caused their injuries. This may involve going to the emergency room, visiting a doctor, or receiving medical care on-site if applicable.

Diagnosis and Treatment Plan:

Medical professionals will assess the injuries and create a treatment plan to aid the injured person's recovery. This plan may include medication, physical therapy, surgery, or other necessary medical interventions.

Ongoing Medical Care:

The injured individual will likely require ongoing medical care, which may involve multiple doctor's visits, rehabilitation sessions, follow-up appointments, and any other treatments deemed necessary for their recovery.

Documenting Medical Records:

Throughout the treatment stage, detailed medical records are generated, documenting the extent of the injuries, the treatment provided, and the progress made in the healing process. These medical records are crucial for substantiating the personal injury claim. 

Communication with Attorneys and Insurance Companies:

The injured person's attorney will be in contact with the insurance companies involved, advocating for fair compensation based on the injuries sustained and the medical treatment required. The medical records and bills will be utilized as evidence to support the claim.

Completion of Treatment:

The treatment stage continues until the injured person reaches maximum medical improvement (MMI) or a point where further medical treatment is not expected to significantly improve their condition. This milestone is essential as it helps determine the full extent of the damages and losses incurred due to the injury.

Demand Package:

Once the injured person has completed their medical treatment or reached MMI, their attorney may compile a demand package. This package outlines the damages suffered, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other relevant losses, with the intent of negotiating a settlement with the responsible party or their insurance company.

Settlement Negotiations or Litigation:

With the demand package in hand, negotiations between the injured party's attorney and the liable party's insurer typically begin. Both parties may try to reach a settlement agreement. If a fair settlement cannot be reached, the case may proceed to litigation, and a lawsuit may be filed.

It's important to note that the specific steps and timelines during the treatment stage of a personal injury case can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the complexity of the case. Additionally, the injured party's cooperation with their medical treatment and adherence to their healthcare provider's instructions can significantly impact the outcome of the case. 

CONTACT A PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEY IN COLORADO TODAY If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident and are considering whether to pursue a claim, you should contact Nares Law Group to schedule a Free Consultation. Call 720-637-7786 or fill out our contact form at to get started on your road to recovery.

About the Author

Kaitlin Nares

Kaitlin Nares is a partner and founder of Hagen Nares PLLC. Kaitlin is known for her compassion, professionalism, and clear communication. Kaitlin co-founded Hagen Nares PLLC as the culmination of her passion for the law and her desire to help families that have been severely injured at no fault ...


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