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Safe Roads Ahead: Trucking Initiatives and Implications for Personal Injury Cases

Posted by Kaitlin Nares | Aug 07, 2023 | 0 Comments

The trucking industry has been grappling with several workforce challenges, including high turnover rates, an aging workforce, and difficulties in recruiting and retaining skilled drivers. The initiatives put forth by the current Administration seek to alleviate these issues and create a stronger, safer, and more stable trucking workforce.

One of the key actions outlined is the expansion of Registered Apprenticeship programs for truck drivers. These programs provide high-quality training, ensuring that trainees are skilled, safe, and experienced drivers. By partnering with industry, labor, and government agencies, these apprenticeship programs can create a pipeline of well-trained drivers, enhancing job quality and driver retention. However, it is essential to note that these initiatives could potentially reduce the number of inexperienced drivers on the roads, leading to a potential decline in accidents caused by inexperienced truck drivers.

Another significant aspect of the plan is to reduce barriers to obtaining a commercial driver's license (CDL) and expedite the licensing process. The Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) will support state departments of motor vehicles in expediting CDL issuance. This approach aims to bring more truck drivers into the field and address workforce shortages.

By streamlining the CDL process and reducing testing delays, there is a potential positive impact on the personal injury industry. With more qualified and adequately trained drivers on the road, the likelihood of accidents caused by unskilled or underqualified drivers may decrease. Consequently, this could lead to a decline in personal injury cases related to trucking accidents caused by driver error or lack of proper training.

The relatively new trucking workforce initiatives have the potential to positively impact the personal injury industry. By prioritizing high-quality training, reducing barriers to obtaining CDLs, and increasing the involvement of skilled veterans, the initiatives aim to enhance the safety and professionalism of the trucking workforce.

With better-trained drivers on the roads, there is a potential decrease in the number of accidents caused by driver error or lack of experience. This could result in a decline in personal injury cases related to trucking accidents, ultimately benefiting both victims and the personal injury industry.


Auto accidents can be straightforward or complex. Regardless of which, it is in your best interests to speak to an auto accident attorney. At Hagen Nares PLLC, we work hard for our clients to obtain fair and just compensation. Contact us using our online form or by calling us directly at 720-637-7786 to schedule a Free Consultation today.

About the Author

Kaitlin Nares

Kaitlin Nares is a partner and founder of Hagen Nares PLLC. Kaitlin is known for her compassion, professionalism, and clear communication. Kaitlin co-founded Hagen Nares PLLC as the culmination of her passion for the law and her desire to help families that have been severely injured at no fault ...


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