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Heads Up, Parents! Navigating the World of Childhood Concussions

Posted by Kaitlin Nares | Jun 21, 2023 | 0 Comments

Concussions are a type of traumatic brain injury that can have lasting effects on a child's well-being. With an increasing number of children experiencing concussions, it's important for parents to be informed about the signs, diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of this condition. In this article, we will discuss the importance of recognizing the symptoms, seeking proper medical care, and providing appropriate support for children who have sustained a concussion.

Recognizing the Signs:

Children may not immediately exhibit symptoms of a concussion, making it crucial for parents to stay vigilant after a head injury. Common symptoms include headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, irritability, emotional changes, and physical imbalance. If any of these signs are observed, especially if the child fell from a significant height or experienced bleeding from the head, ears, or nose, it is recommended to seek medical attention.

Diagnosing Concussions:

Diagnosing concussions can be challenging since they do not show up on standard medical scans. Doctors rely on physical examinations, are view of symptoms, and the child's medical history to make a diagnosis. It is essential to remember that even though concussions are considered mild traumatic brain injuries, they should still be taken seriously due to their potential impact on cognitive function and overall well-being.

Treatment and Recovery:

After a concussion, the brain needs rest to heal. It is advised to limit physical, mental, and emotional stimulation for 24 to 48 hours following the injury. Gradually reintroducing moderate physical and cognitive activities is recommended once symptoms have improved. While complete rest and isolation were once commonly prescribed, recent research suggests that moderate levels of physical activity can be beneficial for recovery. However, it is important to avoid overexertion and carefully monitor symptoms to prevent worsening.

Returning to School and Activities:

Parents play a vital role in helping their children recover from concussions. It is important to keep children home from school and avoid sports and other physical activities until symptoms have resolved. With older children, it may be easier to assess their condition based on their self-reporting, while parents of younger children may need to rely on their observation and judgment. Gradual reintegration into school and activities, while being mindful of any recurring symptoms, is recommended.

Persistent Symptoms and Rehabilitation:

Most children recover fully from concussions within several days to weeks with proper rest and care. However, approximately 30 percent of children may experience persistent symptoms beyond four weeks. In such cases, referral to a specialist, such as a neurologist, pediatrician, or occupational therapist, may be necessary to develop a personalized rehabilitation plan. Factors such as age, gender, concussion history, and migraines can influence the likelihood of persistent symptoms.

As parents, it is essential to be aware of the signs, diagnosis, treatment, and recovery process of concussions in children. By recognizing the symptoms, seeking appropriate medical care, and providing necessary support, parents can help their children navigate the challenges of concussion and ensure their well-being. Remember, although concussions are concerning, with proper care and monitoring, most children can fully recover and resume their regular activities.

Reference: “Concussions in Kids: What Every Parent Needs to Know.” Today's Parent, 2 June 2022,

About the Author

Kaitlin Nares

Kaitlin Nares is a partner and founder of Hagen Nares PLLC. Kaitlin is known for her compassion, professionalism, and clear communication. Kaitlin co-founded Hagen Nares PLLC as the culmination of her passion for the law and her desire to help families that have been severely injured at no fault ...


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